Eggs help my baby GROW GREAT

Stunting..What is Stunting?

Stunting is a condition that arises from continued under nutrition in children, which affects their physical and brain development. In short, it can be seen as shortness in height for their age.

Statistics have shown that 23% of South African children under the age of 5 years are stunted. Stunting robs children from reaching their full potential and it affects their brain development. Evidence suggests that this can lead to the reduction in physical work capacity which leads to the inability to generate income.

The above mentioned effects of stunting is unfair towards young children, because unlike other disorders, stunting is completely preventable.


The first 1000 days!! The first 1000 days of a child’s life provides parents with the opportunity to lay the foundation for their academic success, health and well-being. Once your baby reaches 6 months continue to breastfeed him/her for as long as you are able to – but it is also crucial that you start to introduce more iron rich foods (like eggs) into their diet. An average egg contains:

– 315kJ of energy

– 6g Protein

– 11 different vitamins & nutrients

 – Choline

– Iron

These are all important for your baby’s growth and brain development.

For more information on the Grow Great campaign, and their initiatives to prevent stunting by 2030, you can access their website here: